Fun maplestory classes 216
Fun maplestory classes 216

They have one skill that stuns mobs (and bosses) for 16 seconds, another hyper skill that stuns for 20s. Also, if your poor like me, they are great bossers. 1~100 is fast enough on any class, 100-165 you can speed through Evo much faster with kishin, and 165-200, you just leech at SH and HoH, because everyone will want you for kishin. Easier to level than any Cygnus knight that's for sure. Leveling is way easier than any other class because of kishin, it really didn't get nerfed that bad in the last update. I only say kanna because all of their skills look simply amazing, you get like 4 map clearing skills, you can literally take over a map with all the skills you have (boss damage barrier, reduce damage barrior, nimbus curse, soul shear, etc., and of course kishin). Sorry for the wall of text, I just want to be as informative as possible. Shad is probably the cheapest since a well scrolled katara is just a second weapon, so 2x the cost. MM has stupidly good damage with low funding, and if you do fund it, it's the cheapest class to fund. I would go with bowman classes, specifically Marksman. Honestly, if you don't plan on funding a lot and want high DPS, thief classes are probably not what you're looking for. If you buy the weapon I made, it would bring the total to 50b. But I scrolled my own weapon and got super lucky with cubes for all my gear. With ~30b and 50knx for cubing spent, I have a 500k range with ~200% boss damage at level 180 (also, I only have about 1/2 of my total equip slots filled with good stuff). I don't know anyone who plays a DB or Shad so I can't go in-depth on funding for them, but know that the current best dagger is 3b clean and the katara is 700m I think. Currently night walker and blaze wizards are unavailable.įor skill builds, search ayumilove into google and your class. If his is your first character, I recommend hooding a Cygnus knight. They are unique in that they do not need to buy mastery books for their skills and are designed to be all around good and fun classes. Other Cygnus knights receive 10% extra exp last I remember, are able to go to 250 like all other classes, all have moderate dps, and require moderate funding, more than phantom but less than db.

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Their main mobbing attack is essentially a reskinned bazooka blast. Mihile does not get the leveling bonus, has lower dps, and mobbing is slightly worse Han cannoneers. Seriously though, some of Mercedes skills are weaker reskins of db. They do have a link skill that grants bonus xp, 10% until 120 and 20% after that last I checked.ĭual blade is pretty much the same as Mercedes except their mobbing is a good deal better. Mercedes takes a lot of funding and has rather sub par mobbing in my experience. They have very high dps and their buffs do a lot for them if you get the right skills stolen. Phantoms are no longer as incredibly expencive to fund.

fun maplestory classes 216

#Fun maplestory classes 216 install

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Fun maplestory classes 216